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Statistical Disclosure Control
- Principles, Guidelines and Regulations
- Microdata protection
- Magnitude tables
- Frequency tables
- Data Access issues
- Glossary
Anco Hundepool Josep Domingo-Ferrer Luisa Franconi Sarah Giessing Eric Schuilte Nordholt
Keith Spicer Peter-Paul de Wolf
Anco Hundepool
Privacy in Statistical Databases
Proceedings of the conference in Palermo, September 2012
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Ilenia Tinnirello
Josep Domingo-Ferrer
Privacy in Statistical Databases
Proceedings of the conference in Corfu, Greece, September 2010
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Emmanouil Magkos
Josep Domingo-Ferrer
Privacy in Statistical Databases
Proceedings of the conference in Istanbul, Turkey, September 2008
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Yücel Saygin
Josep Domingo-Ferrer
Privacy in Statistical Databases
Proceedings of the conference in Rome, Italy, December 2006
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Luisa Franconi
Josep Domingo-Ferrer
Privacy in Statistical Databases
Published on the occasion of the Final CASC conference, Barcelona, June 2004
Josep Domingo-Ferrer Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Spain (Ed.)
Josep Domingo-Ferrer
Inference Control in Statistical Databases
From Theory to Practice
Published on the occasion of the AMRADS conference, Luxemburg, December 2002
Josep Domingo-Ferrer Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Spain (Ed.)
Josep Domingo-Ferrer
Monographs of official statistics
Published on the occasion of the worksession on statistical data confidentiality, Luxemburg, April 2003
Table of contents
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Confidentiality, Disclosure and Data Access:
Theory and Practical Applications for Statistical Agencies
Pat Doyle Julia Lane Jules Theeuwes and Laura Zayatz.
Masking Microdata Files with Mixtures of Multivariate Normal Distributions
Gina Marie Roque
University of California Riverside
Gina Marie Roque
Statistical Journal of the United Nation Economic Commission of Europe
Special issue: Data Confidentiality
IOS Press
Statistical Disclosure Control in Practice
Lecture Notes in Statistics 111
Springer Verlag
Leon Willenborg and
Ton de Waal
Statistics Netherlands
Leon Willenborg
Ton de Waal
Elements of Statistical Disclosure Control
Lecture Notes in Statistics 155
Springer Verlag
Leon Willenborg and
Ton de Waal
Statistics Netherlands
Leon Willenborg
Ton de Waal